Bounty Hunters & Child Predators: Inside the FBI Entrapment Strategy


Rádi bychom s vámi sdíleli esej od CrimeThInc “Child predators and bounty hunters (Lovci dětí a odměn)“. Esej nabízí náhled do strategie FBI “navádění ke zločinu“ (entrapment) a zkoumá odklon zájmu FBI od zkušených anarchistických organizátorů k mladším a méně zkušeným lidem, obvykle z okraje radikálních scén. Text přibližuje a popisuje používané strategie, jejímž cílem je vykolejení a diskreditace anarchistického hnutí. Přispívá k pochopení celé situace a nástiňuje možnosti obrany proti takovým praktikám. Tento text vychází ze zkušenosti našich kamrádů a kamrádek ze Spojených Států. I přesto je však v našem kontextu aktuální a dokazuje, že infiltrace a následné represe nejsou ve světě novou ani ojedinělou policejní taktikou

We’ll share the CrimethInc essay “Bounty Hunters and Child Predators: Inside the FBI Entrapment Strategy.” Tracing the shift away from targeting long-term anarchist organizers and towards preying on younger and less-experienced folks from the fringes of radical scenes, the text outlines the FBI’s strategy for using these entrapment cases to derail our entire movement – and how we can understand and resist it.
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Anti Fenix Benefit Party – Wed 22nd July. Klinika Autonomous Center. From 17h, music from 19h

Plakat benefit 22.7.2015EDOSHŮV KURNÍK – Experimental Rap, full on, theatrical, with beats, not to be missed! KH
I AM PENTAGON – Hardcore, with members of the legendary Balaclava, Prague
THE OXX – Tight Garage Punk, Mělník

Besides an incredible music line up, you can look forward to ABC-distro, letter writing station, and in true vegan style, a mega vegan dinner, featuring the grilled kebab (you may remember from the bookfair)! The distro will have their new benefit t-shirt which has a painfully beautiful illustration, and the new zine “The Fenix didn’t arise from the ashes” debunking myths with analysis of operation fenix and the resulting situation. Everything you need to make a postcard or write a letter to our incarcerated comrades will be available too. The money collected will go towards legal aid for the detainees and to provide vegan food for two vegan prisoners, which the prisons constantly fail to do.

It is during these times of oppression when we need to pay attention to what is happening to our friends and our movement, it threatens all of us, only our cohesion and solidarity can counter that. It is true that we can find motivation and passion through punk music and its always nice to take a moment to fully enjoy it, forget ourselves and feel the strong bond of friendship when others sing choruses full of hope! and still, remind us why we are alive. The subversive nature of DIY punk and rap, rhythms and rhymes is one way to attack the very repression we face, and one which the four imprisoned comrades lived whilst this police repression called operation fenix began. So come down and show solidarity, together, with our friends and their free creative expression.

Music is our weapon!

Dressden: Fundraising infoevent on current situation with anarchist movement and repressions in Czech Republic

Dressden, AZ Conni, 12. Juli 2015 , 14:00 – Fundraising infoevent on current situation with anarchist movement and repressions in Czech Republic

At the end of april cops from Czech raided several flats and social center in different cities of Czech Republic calling it “Operation Fenix”. As a result of this operation 11 people were detained, servers of some anarchist projects in the country were confiscated creating further problems for anarchists in the country. Since than most of the people were released and only two remain in custody. Several different people were charged with terrorism, possesion of explosives or not reporting the known crime.At the end of June one more person was arrested in connection with attack on building of ministry of defence.

Right now anarchists in Czech face a lot of legal costs as well as neccessity in solidarity from people from around the world. Continue reading

Žhářské útoky v minulých dnech // The arson attacks of past days


    Podpálené policejní auto u služebny poblíž nádraží Praha-Bubny (4. července 2015)     Zdroj:

Podpálené policejní auto u služebny poblíž nádraží Praha-Bubny (4. července 2015)

V minulých dnech na několika webových stránkách proběhly zprávy o útocích na vozový park PČR. Později se k nim přihlásila SRB a na svých stránkách vydala k útokům komuniké. Zajímavé je, že jedním z hlavních argumentů policie na “Fénix” bylo potlačení militantních akcí. Police přitom sama akce vymýšlela pomocí svých infiltrovaných agentů a následné represe vyvolaly další vlnu útoků. Evidentně represe nejsou, a ze své podstaty nemohou být řešením sklíčenosti pocházející ze stávajícího sytému. Naopak to vypadá, že u lidí vyvolávají nespokojenost a vztek.

Past days we have read news about arson attacks against police vehicles all over Czech media. Later SRB released communiques on their web pages. It is interesting that the main argument of police for operation Fénix was to eliminate militant activities. It was police themselves using infiltrated agents to create more actions, following repressions just provoked more such actions. Evidently repressions aren’t and from its essence can’t be the solution to depression coming from the system we live in. It seem to do the exact opposite – making people more discontent and raging.

Dnes večer – Psaní dopisů a přednáška na Salé

Dnes v úterý 7.7. proběhne na Salé další psaní dopisů kamarádům do vězení. Od 20h začne přednáška a diskuze na téma “Političtí vězni a jejich podpora, propojení solidarity anarchistickým vězňům s bojem proti vězeňskému systému” (USA). Přednáška bude v AJ s českým překladem. Večeře od 19h.

Today, Tuesday 7.7. there will be another letter writing dinner. We will write letters to political prisoners. At 8PM a talk and discussion ‘Political prisoners and their support, connecting solidarity with anarchist prisoners with the struggle to abolish the prison-industrial complex’ (USA). The talk will be in English with a Czech translation. Dinner starts at 7PM.


The situation of our comrades in prison: greyness, solitude and hunger

Posted on 23/06/2015, since that time one more comrade was imprisoned.

Non-vegan diet, isolation, boredom, hour and a half of daylight. Meeting people through the bars and hardened glass. These are just some of the conditions our comrades experience while imprisoned. In this article we would like to describe the everyday reality of imprisoned anarchists and outline ways to support them. We call for support of all three defendants and, especially Martin, to whom the few next weeks may be critical. We also call for exerting pressure on the Pankrác prison to respect Martin’s vegan diet and towards improving prison conditions in general.
More about the case on our website AntiFenix.

Vycházkové dvory Vazební věznice Praha Pankrác. Barvy a počet hvězd nápadně něco připomíná.
Prison yard at Pankrac custodial prison, Prague. Familiar picture?

Operation Phoenix, police infiltration and possibly fabricated case

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The Czech undercover police agents: Revealed

As posted on Alerta! on 23.06.2015.

The Czech undercover police agents: Revealed
Three of the anarchists who are currently being held in custody, where they wait for a court decision on whether they will be granted bail or remain on remand, were together with other individuals to attend meetings in the “conspiracy” flat according to the police version. Police claimed they should have been planning an attack on a train carrying military material or Hyundai cars and the alleged attack was to be carried out under the auspices of the Network of Revolutionary Cells. Prosecuted individuals are being accused by investigators of active participation on preparation and testing of incendiary devices (Molotov cocktails) intended for that purpose. The are also accused of participation in the logistics of the attack itself. The accused comrades however, rejected the police version and pointed out the ridiculousness of the claim itself, that someone would try to ignite a train made of steel using Molotov cocktails.
Let’s now focus on the important facts. The flat where the alleged terrorist group meetings should have taken place is no “conspiracy” safe house but merely a regular apartment where several people (some of them connected to the anarchist movement) lived. The decision to live together came from necessity of sharing to reduce living costs not from intentions to conspire. Shared housing is a perfectly normal thing, today and definitely not just among anarchists.
The flat occupancy was not the subject of secrets and that is most likely why it was so easy for undercover police to “infiltrate” the group. Activist meetings organised at the apartment (preparation of activities such as fundraisers, public meetings, cooking for homeless people) were also not a subject of any excessive safety measures and such activities can hardly be categorized as terrorism. It was the undercover police agents who were always trying to radicalise the issues and talked about the necessity to do “something more” than just peacefully protest.
The agents were constantly trying to persuade others that sticking up posters is irrelevant and that action should radicalise. These challenges were usually accompanied by swagger about their previous activities. Imprisoned comrades who were in touch with the undercover operatives also indicated that the idea to attack the train came from agents themselves, without anyone else being actively involved in the development of the plan.
One of the detainees Martin I. wrote:
“Operation Phoenix” is a provocation initiated by undercover police agents with the purpose of drag people into it and then put the blame on the for organising the whole thing. I suspect that the police and investigators are manipulating with the evidence. They think we will plead guilty but our confession would represent just mere lie and we can not allow this to happen! It is interesting how one can become a victim of repressions through arranged undercover operations. The police orchestrated everything to blame us with a very clear intentions to involve many people. They wanted to have terrorism case so they created it. Continue reading



Včera (29.6.2015) obvodní soud Prahy 6 vyhověl požadavku policie na uvalení vazby na dalšího člověka obviněného v rámci represí proti “ultra-levicovému extremismu”.

I. byl policií zadržený už v pátek (26.6.2015) a odvezen do Prahy k výslechu.

Podle policie měl být I. součástí útoku zápalnými láhvemi, který měl být proveden na dům ministra obrany (více zde)

K útoku nikde nevyšla žádná videa. Zajímavé také je, že ze čtyř údajných láhví žádná nezačala hořet. Kromě toho, že nebyly ukázány žádné důkazy, se k útoku nikdy nikdo nepřihlásil.

Po tom, co víme, že přípravu údajného útoku na vlak s vojenským materiálem naplánovali infiltrovaní agenti, tento údajný útok vypadá přinejmenším pochybně. (Více o agentech zde)

Fakt, že obviněný z útoku na dům ministra obrany je občanem Ruské Federace se podezřele hodí do kontextu politického diskurzu ministerstva obrany.

I. dostal koluzní vazbu, nejpřísnější možné opatření.

Jsme s tebou!

Yesterday, 29.6.2015, the district court of Prague 6 ruled to put I. in custody.
I. was accused in another case of repression of ‘ultra-left extremism’.
He was taken on Friday in and charged on Sunday.

According to the police, I. took part in the ‘attack’ on the house of the minister of defense of Czech republic with Molotov cocktails. (8.6.2015) More info here, soon in English.

There are no photos nor videos of this ‘attack’. There was no actual fire, despite 4 bottles having been thrown. No other evidence of the ‘attack’ has been made public, nobody claimed responsibility for it.

With the knowledge, that the alleged planning of an attack on a military train was staged by infiltrated police agents, this ‘attack’ looks suspicious.

The fact that I. is a Russian citizen, plays into the context of political discourse rather suspiciously well.

I. got the worst type of custody with very strict conditions.

We are with you.

JUN 25th, Edinburgh: Repression in Belarus & the Czech Republic – ABC Infotour 2015

25th June, Edinburgh, Forest Centre Plus: Repression in Belarus & the Czech RepublicWe are lucky to provide a rare chance to talk with comrades from the Anarchist Black Cross in Belarus and learn about the repression they face from those fighting against it.

 Despite the welcome release of Pavel Syramolatau in September 2012, comrades supported by the Anarchist Black Cross are still in Belarusian jails facing years of incarceration. These convictions form part of an ideologically driven repression of anarchists in Belarus. They follow the revitalisation of Belarusian anarchism in the past few years. Unlike in some other ex-Soviet Union countries and other modern dictatorships, anarchists do not form a minor part of a dissident prison population. Instead anarchists make up just under half of the ‘political’ prisoners in Belarus.

The Belarusian ABC has campaigned consistently for them to be released and, in the immediate term, for them to be allowed visits, medication, letters and literature, and raises money for solicitors’ fees and to buy the comrades’ food. They have also recently been supporting comrades in the Czech Republic who have been under sustained attack by the state. Supported by the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA-IAF) they are undertaking a tour of to raise awareness of the situation in the region and spark further solidarity.

This meeting is open and free to all, however any donations towards costs will be appreciated. We ask that all those attending this event read the brief introduction to our safer spaces policy here: