
It has been just over a year since the police operation ‘Fenix’ became known to the people of Czech Republic. Just over 1 Year since the 1st arrests were made, of which Martin still remains on remand in custodial prison as a result of what appears to be entrapment. People are still being bullied, pursued and repressed on a daily basis. On 26 & 27 April was the first trial since the repression began (to our knowledge). The case of Igor Shevstov, who was accused of throwing Molotov cocktails at the house of defense minister Stropnický, and for filming somebody graffiti the prison. He was looking at 15 years imprisonment, on top of the 3 months already served in custodial prison (remand), where he was kept under maximum security for part of the time. (read more under the Igor tab on

The Court room held the first major public display of this farce, also known as Fenix.
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On several profiles, blogs and web pages we saw that our comrade – 100% trusted person and friend LUKAS BORL is accused from being a collaborator with Nazis and giving information to cops. Also someone started FAKE Facebook profile under Lukas’ name. All of this is a COMPLETE LIE! These fake messages are probably spread by cops or an enterpriser Vladimir Krulec. Krulec is for longer time in conflict with local anarchist movement because he and his company is not paying the wages to workers and he’s been angry because of sabotages which have been done on his property. Lukas Borl has been living in underground for several months because he is officially wanted. The website of Czech police says that he is dangerous and armed. However he never harmed anyone this shows how much police wants to discredit him and make his life as hard as possible. This false messages about Lukas Borl being an informatory were probably written in order to make already difficult life situation of our comrade even harder and or to monitor how anarchist network communicates. We would like to assure everybody that it´s a lie and a part of police strategy against him, against anarchist and anti authoritarian movement and against international solidarity which has shown to be stronger than police repression. Please publish and share this message in order to prevent misleading information which can harm “freedom” and life of not only Lukas Borl. To approve this information you can check – a sister website of Czech ABC focusing on contemporary wave of police repression in Czech Rep. called operation Fenix.

Anarchist Radio The Final Straw: Interview with two anarchists living in Czech about operation Fenix

An anarchist radio from North Carolina, USA – The Final Straw in the show from January 31st called Repression of Czech anarchists by Operation Fenix, Zolo Azania, Jared Chase, and the State of Emergency at la ZAD made an interview with Sasha and Igor about operation Fenix and the anarchist responds in Czech Republic.

“For the majority of this show, we spoke with Sascha and Igor who live in Prague about Operation Fenix, which began in April 2015 when the police of the Czech Republic commenced an operation against the anarchist, anti-authoritarian and animal liberation movement. During the course of this wave of repression, there were a number of house raids during which equipment was confiscated, and it has since come to light that agent provocateurs were used heavily in the arrests which took place. In this interview, we talk about how anarchists in Prague are handling this scrutiny, as well as ways to combat divide and conquer tactics used by cops, how the media is weaponized against anarchists, and what someone might do about these things. ”

Follow and support the radio on Asheville FM: or on their blog on noblogs:

Support from DURANGO, Colorado

20151116_191820We feel as a collective it’s crucial to support struggles, locally and abroad. The methods used in Operation Fenix are shockingly similar to the repressive tactics the US government has employed here in the States, from infiltration of activist circles  to the fabrication of plots under the continued use of COINTELPRO tactics. We must understand how these operations work and how they threaten people, and stand up in support when comrades fall victim to these repressive tactics.

Náš kolektiv cítí zásandní potřebu podporovat boje na lokální i mezinárodní úrovni. Metody použité při operaci Fénix jsou až překvapivě podobné represivním taktikám, které vláda USA požívá na území Spojených Států. Od infiltrace aktivistických kruhů, až po vyfabrikované komploty, které se používají v pokračující kampani COINTELPRO*. Musíme pochopit jak tyto operace fungují a jak moc jsou pro lidi ohrožující. Postavit se jim a podpořit naše přátele, kteří se stali obětí těchto represivních taktik.

*CONTELPRO je krycí název rasistické operace FBI, jejíž původní záměr bylo rozbití Černých Panterů. Od počátku této původně tajné operace FBI zabila desítky lidí (černé pleti), často ve spánku, v jejich domě, kde bydleli se svými rodinami. Tyto vraždy si FBI ospravedlňovala jako boj proti terorismu.

Report from Solidarity events in Sweden (open for photoreport)

Embassy_cleanOn Saturday the 22nd of August a presentation was held at the Anarchist Bookfair in Stockholm about the movement in Czech Republic, ‘Operation Fénix’, it’s blow against activists and information from the Antifénix project. There was also benefit table where people could read more information  and take it home. There where zines, t-shirts and even some delicious cake that was all for free or donations.
We want to say Thanks to everyone who came to litsen, ask, learn, read and offer support. Continue reading

Benefitas Čekijos Politiniams Kaliniams #antifenix

Kai ZLP GNR varė į turą per Europą, chebrytė iš Prahos padarė jiems koncertą, dabar chebrytė iš Prahos atvaro į Vilnių − koncertas Vilniuje rugpjūčio 16. Bet laikai keičiasi, ir Čekijos Respublikoje vyksta neaiškūs policine valstybe kvepiantys dalykėliai. Balandį ten prasidėjo policijos operacija „Feniksas“. Du policininkai, panašesni į gerai alaus atsigėrusius Prahos praeivius , infiltravosi į anarchistų ir radikalios kairės judėjimus ir sufabrikavo „teroristinį traukinio užpuolimą“. 14 žmonių buvo ištardyti, 3 iš jų − Martinas, Peteris ir Ales − vis dar leidžia laiką kalėjimuose, dar 3 pareikšti kaltinimai vykdžius sunkius nusikaltimus, tarp jų – teroristinių išpuolių organizavimą.

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