Martin I., který stále čeká ve vazební věznici Pankrác na soud, má v pondělí 10. srpna narozeniny. Přijď v 19h k pankrácké věznici Martinovi nadálku popřát! Stačí přinést píšťalku, kastrol a vařečku, nebo jakékoliv nářadí, které udělá takový hluk, který Martin uslyší. Pokud nemůžeš dorazit, napiš pošli Martinovi dopis nebo pohled. Určitě ho to potěší.

Další možností jak podpořit nejen Martina, ale také Petra a Igora a to nejen v době jejich narozenin je finanční pomoc. Pošli na účet částku, kterou a emailem nám dej vědět kolik peněz a pro koho bylo posíláš a my peníze přepošleme. Bankovní spojení je:
CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237
Swift code:

Za ANTIFénix přejeme všechno nejlepší k narozeninám a doufáme, že příští narozeniny oslavíš mezi svými přáteli a blízkými mimo zdi věznice.

Martin I. Who is awaiting trial in Pankrac custody jail is having B-day on Monday, August 10th. Come on monday at 7pm to Pankrac prison to join a greeting session by the prison! Bring a whistle, a pot with big spoon or any tools which make some sound so Martin will hear us. If you can’t come send at leas a postcard (Martin can not speak english very well, so be aware of that). For sure he will be gratefull.

Also there is one more way how you can support not only Martin, but also Igor and Petr and not only when they have a B-Day and that is to donate some money. You can put money on our bank account and send us an email with the information for who and how much money you sent and we will forward it it to the correct place. Bank details:
CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237
Swift code:

For ANTIFenix crew we wish Martin happy B-day and we wish them that their next B-day they will celebrate with their friends and relatives and comrades out of prison cells.

Martin slyšel naše pozdravy (vzkaz od jeho sestry)

ae-in-jailAhojky všem 🙂
Včera (3.8. pozn. red.) mi volal Marťa, hovor byl teda velice časově omezený – přesně 3 minuty a 43 sekund :-(, ale stihli jsem si říct aspoň pár slov. Slyšel nás v úterý 28.7.15. Hlasy všech se tak rozléhaly, že to musel prý slyšet každý na Pankráci. Neuvěřitelně silně ho to posílilo a povzbudilo. Nedokázal to popsat přesně, ale tiše koukal z okna a každý zvuk i hlas z venku si snažil vrýt do paměti, to štěstí které cítil nemohl vyjádřit. Všem z celého srdce děkuje.Přes tu radost v jeho hlase, jsem i vycítila smutek, možná zoufalství. Povzdechl si na koci hovoru že to nevzdává, ale že je to těžké. Myslím si, že nikdo z nás se neokáže vcítit do jejich situace a do toho, co se uvnitř jejich těla děje. Myslím si že to je boj, a já doufám že nikdo z nich ho neprohraje. V posledním dopise psal, že pokud budu já i všichni ostatní silní a šťastní, bude i on. Že naše společné sny, myšlenky a city nikdy nikdo neuvězní, a že jeho srdce je pořád  svobodné.

Pavla (Martinova sestra)

FÉNIX NEVSTAL Z POPELA – Brožura ke stažení


Nová brožura shrnující policejní represe – operaci Fénix včetně případu Igora Š. Pamflet se zaměřuje na vyvrácení mýtů, které byly a jsou šířeny v českých médiích a některé mezi lidmi z anti-autoritářských kruhů. Také popisuje situaci vězněných anarchistů a vysvětluje důležitost jejich podpory, vyjádření solidarity a šíření našich informací jako zásadní bod pro budoucnost nejen anarchistického hnutí. Na závěr nastiňuje možnosti, jak podpořit uvězněné aktivisty a jak bojovat proti represím. Brožura je zakončená přeloženým výňatkem z eseje “Bounty Hunters & Child Predators“, která popisuje nové taktiky policejní infiltrace a následného zatýkání, represí, diskreditace a v neposlední řadě uvádí, jak se takové pasti vyhnout a jak být ve střehu, aby do ní nespadl nikdo z našeho okolí, protože na to doplatíme všichni.




Prodloužení vazby pro Petra a Martina // An extension of custody jail for Petr and Martin

Soud rozhodl o prodloužení vazby pro Petra S. a Martina I. na minimálně další tři měsíce. A to i přes to, že zatím nebyly zveřejněny žádné přímé důkazy a infiltrovaní agenti (známí jako Petr a Robert) ještě nebyli předvoláni k výslechu jako svědci.

The court decided to keep Petr S. and Martin I. in custody jail for at least three more months. Despite the fact that police didn’t publish any direct evidence and the infiltrated agents-provocateurs (known as Pertr and Robert) haven’t been interogated as main witnesses yet.

La situazione dei nostri compagni in prigione: grigiore, solitudine e fame

Isolamento, noia, 90 minuti d’aria, una dieta non vegana, possibilita’ di incontrare persone solo attraverso sbarre e vetro temprato.
Questi sono solo alcuni esempi delle condizioni in cui vivono i nostri compagni in prigione.
Nei paragrafi che seguono riportiamo come si presenta la vita quotidiana degli anarchici imprigionati e dei modi per dar loro sostegno.
Chiediamo sostegno per i 4 arrestati ed in particolare per Martin e I., per i quali le prossime settimane potranno essere decisive.
Chiediamo anche aiuto a far pressione sulla prigione di Pankrac per far rispettare la dieta vegana di Martin e migliorare le condizioni di detenzione generali e sulla prigione di Ruzyne affinche’ si rispetti la dieta vegana di I.
Per saperne di piu’ sul caso visitate il nostro sito

Cortile del carcere di Pankrac, Praga. Una foto famigliare?

Continue reading e’ una provocazione della polizia, afferma l’avvocato difensore del primo ceco accusato di terrorismo.

pubblicato originariamente 22.05.2015

Pubblichiamo un’intervista dal quotidiano Si tratta di un’intervista a Ondrej Stefanik, avvocato difensore di Martin I, un’altro degli indagati:
PRAGA. “Mi da’ l’impressione di essere una persona giovane e pensierosa” descrive cosi’ il suo cliente l’avvocato Ondrej Stefanik. eppure Martin I. e’, secondo la polizia, uno dei pianificatori dell’attentato terroristico contro il treno. Ma tale accusa Martin I. esplicitamente smentisce. “Se non avesse incontrato gli agenti infiltrati, non si sarebbe mai trovato in una situazione simile” sottolinea il suo difensore.

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Martin o solidární demo

Milí bratři a milé sestry,
v neděli jsem slyšel hlasy i písně. Slovem se nedá vyjádřit, jakou sílu to dodá. Po dlouhé minuty jsem se cítil svobodně, vůbec jsem se necítil uvězněný, v tu chvíli jsem byl šťastný. Tímto vám děkuji. Solidarita opravdu nezná hranic ani mezí. Jsem velice rád, že na té cestě nejsem sám a že je společná. Všechny vás pozdravuji, posílám polibky a srdečné obejmutí.

Společné sny a myšlenky jsou svobodné!

The situation of our comrades in prison: greyness, solitude and hunger

Posted on 23/06/2015, since that time one more comrade was imprisoned.

Non-vegan diet, isolation, boredom, hour and a half of daylight. Meeting people through the bars and hardened glass. These are just some of the conditions our comrades experience while imprisoned. In this article we would like to describe the everyday reality of imprisoned anarchists and outline ways to support them. We call for support of all three defendants and, especially Martin, to whom the few next weeks may be critical. We also call for exerting pressure on the Pankrác prison to respect Martin’s vegan diet and towards improving prison conditions in general.
More about the case on our website AntiFenix.

Vycházkové dvory Vazební věznice Praha Pankrác. Barvy a počet hvězd nápadně něco připomíná.
Prison yard at Pankrac custodial prison, Prague. Familiar picture?

Operation Phoenix, police infiltration and possibly fabricated case

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The Czech undercover police agents: Revealed

As posted on Alerta! on 23.06.2015.

The Czech undercover police agents: Revealed
Three of the anarchists who are currently being held in custody, where they wait for a court decision on whether they will be granted bail or remain on remand, were together with other individuals to attend meetings in the “conspiracy” flat according to the police version. Police claimed they should have been planning an attack on a train carrying military material or Hyundai cars and the alleged attack was to be carried out under the auspices of the Network of Revolutionary Cells. Prosecuted individuals are being accused by investigators of active participation on preparation and testing of incendiary devices (Molotov cocktails) intended for that purpose. The are also accused of participation in the logistics of the attack itself. The accused comrades however, rejected the police version and pointed out the ridiculousness of the claim itself, that someone would try to ignite a train made of steel using Molotov cocktails.
Let’s now focus on the important facts. The flat where the alleged terrorist group meetings should have taken place is no “conspiracy” safe house but merely a regular apartment where several people (some of them connected to the anarchist movement) lived. The decision to live together came from necessity of sharing to reduce living costs not from intentions to conspire. Shared housing is a perfectly normal thing, today and definitely not just among anarchists.
The flat occupancy was not the subject of secrets and that is most likely why it was so easy for undercover police to “infiltrate” the group. Activist meetings organised at the apartment (preparation of activities such as fundraisers, public meetings, cooking for homeless people) were also not a subject of any excessive safety measures and such activities can hardly be categorized as terrorism. It was the undercover police agents who were always trying to radicalise the issues and talked about the necessity to do “something more” than just peacefully protest.
The agents were constantly trying to persuade others that sticking up posters is irrelevant and that action should radicalise. These challenges were usually accompanied by swagger about their previous activities. Imprisoned comrades who were in touch with the undercover operatives also indicated that the idea to attack the train came from agents themselves, without anyone else being actively involved in the development of the plan.
One of the detainees Martin I. wrote:
“Operation Phoenix” is a provocation initiated by undercover police agents with the purpose of drag people into it and then put the blame on the for organising the whole thing. I suspect that the police and investigators are manipulating with the evidence. They think we will plead guilty but our confession would represent just mere lie and we can not allow this to happen! It is interesting how one can become a victim of repressions through arranged undercover operations. The police orchestrated everything to blame us with a very clear intentions to involve many people. They wanted to have terrorism case so they created it. Continue reading