Stockholm: A message of solidarity from “Högdalen Folkets Hus”

We recieved a photo from a group in Stockholm, Sweden, who just recently started squatting a building in the suburbs as a protest against privatisation and gentrification in their neighborhood. (
A table was organised in this new social center with some information about ‘Operation Fenix’, a money/donation box, material to write letters to the prisoners (or to other political prisoners around the globe) and some benefit cake together with this.

Keep your spirit up! You are not alone!


News from Spain: 3 anarchist prisoners of Operación Piñata released

When we look at the situation in Europe we see that the Operation Fenix in Czech Republic didn’t come out of the blue. There have been many police provocations and agent infiltrations followed by big waves of repression all over the world. In the European context most recent acts of police repressions was Operación Pandora and Operación Piñata in Spain just few months ago.
We put #Pandora RSS feed on our blog so you can follow news from our comrades who are facing a massive wave of repression. Here is an email we received containing the most recent news about the situation in Spain:

News from Spain: 3 anarchist prisoners of Operación Piñata released

On June 1 we got the great news that three of the five comrades being
held in preventive detention, accused of being part of a terrorist group
under Operation Piñata (including one who was already arrested and
imprisoned in Operation Pandora) are being released without bail. They
still have all their charges and have to sign in frequently at court,
and two of them are prohibited from leaving the country. Continue reading


Love-through-prison-barsDopis od Petra S., jednoho z vězněných anarchistů.

Brzy zde zveřejníme kontakní adresu na všechny tři zadržené.




Drazí přátelé,
moc vám děkuji za vaše slova solidarity a podpory. Moc pro mně znamenají, zvláště v tuto chvíli.
Vždy jsem bral svůj život jako pouhou součást jednoho velkého života spojujícího vše živé na zemi. A tak je tomu doposud. Ač jsem nebyl vězněn, necítil jsem se svobodný, při myšlence na všechny, kterým je svoboda upírána a to i mimo vězeňské zdi. Moje životní cesta byla, a doufám že vždy bude, směřující ke společnosti opravdu svobodné a spravedlivé. A to pro všechen život bez rozdílu.
Vaše slova mě utvrzují, že na této cestě nezůstanu nikdy sám.
S upřímným poděkováním a bratrským pozdravem.
Petr S.

A letter from Petr S., one of the imprisoned. We will publish the contact address for all 3 in custody soon.

Dear friends,
thank you for all your support and solidarity. It means a lot to me, especially in this situation. I have always regarded my life as a mere fraction of all life on Earth. That has not changed. Even when I was not in custody, the thought of all those whose freedom has been taken, not only behind bars, has made me feel not free myself. My journey in life has always been a journey towards equality and a truly free society for all. Your kind words assure me that I will never be alone on this journey.
With sincere gratitude and brotherly greetings,

The impetus for the General Inspection of Security Forces and the Municipal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Prague.

An open letter called “The impetus for the General Inspection of Security Forces and the Municipal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Prague” was published 2 days ago on many Czech media servers and it’s signed by many “public figures” (the term media used to label the signatories). We have no expectations of “democratic state” nor police but we hope that this appeal will put the situation under the spotlight and open new angles of perspective. Such ones, which will lead towards new discussion about the topic:

The impetus for the General Inspection of Security Forces and the Municipal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Prague.
During the highly publicized police operation Fénix eleven people were arrested and vast number of police forces and equipment were deployment. Three of them are now being prosecuted with very serious allegations of terrorist conspiracy. Police publicly announced the existence of extensive “terrorist” network but information available from other sources have raised many suspicions not just about the true purpose of the operation Fenix but also about the methods of police deployment in general.
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Interview with an activist detained during Operation Fenix

Tomas Z. describes himself as an ecological activist from Olomouc region. His most “hardcore terrorist actions” include guerilla gardening ( he planted couple of plants to other person’s land without their consent) and unconventional creation of cyclepath. On April 28th he was one of eleven people detained by Counter Organised Crime Unit of the Czech Police (UOOZ) during the undercover operation called Fenix. The police is convinced that 30 year old activist is one of the leaders of Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB). According to police, SRB supposedly planned to attack trains transporting either military equipment or Hyundai cars with Molotov cocktails. Detention of Tomas Z. was justified with his alleged connection to destroyed police car in the city of Litvinov. Tomas Z. proclaimed this allegation to be nonsense and absurd as well as his connection with SRB. During incriminated period he was not living in the Czech Republic and police was most likely aware of that. Following interview will shed the light on practises of police which seem to be filled with fabricated pre-requisitions for the detention, at least in his case. These practises are commonly employed by police in “war against terror” around the world and now successfully practised in Czech national security services.


Can you disclose details regarding your detention?
Few officers in plain clothes detained me from the flat of my girlfriend but I think they had no rights to do so. I was handcuffed and taken to my house. All together there must have been more than 10 police personnel, because we departed in three fully occupied civilian cars. When arrived to my house there was three police vans full of police armoured with automatic weapons ready and waiting. I was taken to a rented land beside (rented by police for this occasion) and there I was shown the search warrant for my house and surrounding land. Police than started with the search, apparently looking for explosives, weapons and materials connected with anarchist movement. The special dog was used (trained for explosives search) and whole search took several hours but nothing has been found because I have never had anything like that in my possession.

Their other focus was aimed on electronic data carriers. Flash drives, camera, laptop and SIM cards were confiscated. I did not try to resist as I have been told that resistance is useless because they have a power to confiscate my belongings anyway.

So the police operation you describe was only because of you?
Yes, only because of me. My personal estimation for the expenses of my detention was tens of thousands Czech Crowns (thousands of £, $, €…) and documents I received after the search confirmed that. During my detention 24 heavy armored cops and 20 other police were employed and all this just because of one person.
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Song of the day: Provo – Co včera psali v novinách// Provo – What was in the newspaper yesterday

Čas od času zpestříme Antifenix hudbou. Hudba je a (nebo) byla důležitou součástí životů Petra, Aleše i Martina, stejně jako mnoho z nás. Budeme vybírát ze skladeb, které nám připadají relevantní. Rádi a rády se necháme inspirovat. Nebojte se nám zasílat návrhy na náš e-mail.

Jako první skladbu jsme zvolili “Co včera psali v novinách”, jeden z prvních počinů rapového projektu Provo. Provo v textu satiricky reaguje na mediální histerii spuštěnou akcí Fénix. Text i jeho koment najdete na profilu Provo, nebo níže na této stránce.


We are going to start publishing songs from time to time. Music has always been a big part of Peter’s, Ales’ and Martin’s lives. We will choose from relevant songs. You can submit songs, feel free to email us your suggestions.

The first song we have chosen is “Co včera psali v novinách”, loosely translated to ‘in the news yesterday’, which is a song from the rap project Provo. The lyrics are a satirical reaction to the media’s hysteria that came with operation Fenix. You can find the lyrics along with the artists’ comment on their profile as well as below.

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Solidární demo před vazební věznicí / Soli demo on the front of custody

Solidární demonstrace na podporu vězněných anarchistů proběhne v sobotu 6. června 2015 v 18h před vazební věznicí Pankrác, kam byli věznění převezeni. Šiř a doraž!

Solidarity demonstration to support imprisoned anarchists will take place on June 6th in front of the Pankrac jail, the place where the three were taken. Starts at 6pm. Share and come!

Leták na tisk: Continue reading Toll gates three times on fire in the Czech Republic

The same day (May 1st 2015) at 4pm published another article about the case: Toll gates three times on fire in the Czech Republic

The toll gate near by Hulin after the attack.

HULIN. According to the police, last May the/an anarchist group put a toll gate on fire near Hulin on motor way D1. But this was not the first time somebody set this monitoring installation on fire. The first time a toll gate was on fire was in September 2010. Before that toll gate cameras were also destroyed with foam sealant. 

According to police documents relating to Tuesday’s detention of leftist radicals, the group set one gate on fire in May 2014. According to the website there have been five attacks on “money collecting” equipment, be it that it is not evident that it was done by the same people. Continue reading