News from Spain: 3 anarchist prisoners of Operación Piñata released

When we look at the situation in Europe we see that the Operation Fenix in Czech Republic didn’t come out of the blue. There have been many police provocations and agent infiltrations followed by big waves of repression all over the world. In the European context most recent acts of police repressions was Operación Pandora and Operación Piñata in Spain just few months ago.
We put #Pandora RSS feed on our blog so you can follow news from our comrades who are facing a massive wave of repression. Here is an email we received containing the most recent news about the situation in Spain:

News from Spain: 3 anarchist prisoners of Operación Piñata released

On June 1 we got the great news that three of the five comrades being
held in preventive detention, accused of being part of a terrorist group
under Operation Piñata (including one who was already arrested and
imprisoned in Operation Pandora) are being released without bail. They
still have all their charges and have to sign in frequently at court,
and two of them are prohibited from leaving the country. Continue reading