The CrimeThinc. Ex-Workers’ Collective Podcast #17: Conspiracy! State Repression Strategies and Anarchist Resistance

We decided to share an episode #17: Conspiracy! State Repression Strategies and Anarchist Resistance. The topic is very relevant to the situation in the Czech Republic and can answer many question some of us might have about police tactics, infiltration, spies, surveillance and connect our situation with similar ones regardless of how far away they took place. We highly recommend you listen to this episode and check out more of their podcasts and CrimeThinc. Ex-Workers’ Collective.

Download in mp3 here.

If you want to skip the hot wire and listeners’ feedback (which definitely does not hurt to listen to) and get right to the main topic you may start at 16 min.

The CrimeThinc. Ex-Workers’ Collective (a decentralized anarchist collective composed of many cells which act independently in pursuit of a more free and joyous world) is in Czech republic known as an anarchist book label, as a collective releasing the journal Rolling Thunder, pamphlets and other tools, collaborating on movies and presenting and bringing all the different projects into our cities like for example the recent To Change Everything tour around central Europe.
The Ex-Workers’ Collective are spreading the message about different struggles which are unfolding around the world and describing the anarchist alternative to lives of servitude and strife. Besides the real world and their web the collective spreads the message through a series of podcasts.

A Podcast of anarchist ideas and action for everyone who dreams of a life off the clock.

In solidarity with comrade Martin

Following texts are two parts of a letter written in prison by Martin I. Martin wants to share these words with everyone. Sharing is very welcome!

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“Operation Fenix” is based on provocation initiated by undercover police agents. The purpose was to drag us into it, and put the blame us for organizing it. I suspect that the police and investigators are manipulating the evidence. They think we will plead guilty but our confession would represent just mere lie and we can not allow this to happen!

It is interesting how one can become a victim of repressions through arranged undercover operations. The police orchestrated everything to blame us with a very clear intentions to involve many people. They wanted to have terrorism case so they created it. Their attempt to silence us will not be successful.

They want to silent us, but we won’t be. They want us to break down, but they won’t. They can imprison our bodies, but our dreams, thoughts and souls they won’t. This is all because of solidarity and support from our families and comrades.

Prison conditions will not force us to surrender. We are kept in isolation, walking handcuffed around the prison yard. Glass and bars dividing us when receiving visits, separated from our loved ones with no change to hug them. We won’t be silent and we do not allow oppression, fear and helplessness to be sown it in our dreams, thoughts and lives. We are ready to face the absurd accusations and perhaps soon the truth will be revealed and we will walk out free.

Second text:

I never thought of myself much but always about others more. In the sense, of how to help when others are in trouble . Make others laugh when they are sad or offer a hug when in distress. I have never mattered to my self as much, because I do not live just for ourselves but for others .

I recall the moments we spent together. Collective dinners and cooking and everything what connected us and that everything will continue, of course.

This case is not only absurd, but altogether with no sense. How unbelievable it feels that police is willing to go so far just to make society believe that anarchists are the evil ones. Police only wants to control people. To be able spy on anyone. Have cameras everywhere and to have all of us under surveillance to imprisons whom they want to and when ever they want.

They will not make us silent!
They will not break us!
The truth will set us free!
The struggle continues!
Comrades together we will overcome the bad times.
Greetings to you all and hope we will hug you soon.

In solidarity comrade Martin

Video ze sobotní soli demonstrace / Video from Saturday’s soli demo

6.6.2015, Praha: Demonstrace na podporu vězněných anarchistů u vazebních věznic Pankrác a Ruzyně.
June 6th, Prague: Soli demo to support imprisoned anarchists outside the custody jails Pankrac and Ruzyne.

Přepis projevu, který přečetla jedna z anarchistek na solidární demonstraci před vazebními věznicemi v Praze:

Jsme tu, abychom demonstrovali nesouhlas s útlakem policejních složek, jenž zastrašují lidi. Snaží se, postavit je do podřízené role a tak jim znemožnit svobodně vyjadřovat své názory. Toto zastrašování se děje tak ubohou formou, které se můžeme jenom smát. Smáli bychom se z plných plic, pokud by jeho smutné důsledky nepoškozovaly životy a duše našich kamarádů a druhů.

Teror a šikana ze strany policie jsou navíc financovány z veřejných prostředků, které jim umožňují využívat ty nejvyspělejší a nejdražší technologie, což činí jejich sledování tak snadné.

Demonstrujeme proti státu a kapitálu, který jsme nuceni sami vytvářet a tím se spolupodílet na útlaku nás samotných. A to skrze víru v policejní složky, které nás v tomto světě mají chránit?


Neuznáváme instituce, které za společné prostředky nechají ušít uniformy, nakoupí zbraně a pak nás chodí střašit: v kuklách, s odposlouchanýma detailama našich osobních životů, aby přiměli pod emocionálním nátlakem vypovídat jednoho proti druhému a tím obhájili svou existenci.

Nechceme policejní ochranu! Nechceme ochranu, která je terorem! Nechceme takový svět!!!

Aleši, Martine, Petře, sedíme tam s vámi, i když se fyzicky nalézáme na druhé straně mříží.

Petr S.: “How does it feel?” (a poem from custody jail Ruzyně)

jail_doveLooking through the barred window of my prison cell and I’m thinking about you
About the humans same as I am but so different from me.
What kind of feeling this must be reading private emails and striving to find evil in a profession of love.
What do you feel while stamping one’s homesickness and loneliness with a “correspondence inspection stamp”.

It must be a strange feeling
detaining photos of someone’s loved one.
Trying to take advantage of someone’s affection
for praise from their superiors.
How is it to lie for stripes on a uniform or for a piece of shiny metal.
With no regret, destroying someone’s life in a blink of an eye
How does that feel?

The feeling, the man must have had, when
he knelt down a frail girl on a demonstration.
When wire-tapping the people who love him, bugging their books.
Listening to recordings of wire-tapped calls where someone professes love.

What is it like to wait for an excuse
to be able to hurt the most.
Condemn someone just to fulfill someone’s order.
Being a dirty glove for someone
absolutely unconcerned.
Trying to find the most sensitive places of those who greeted him with a kiss and hug.

I am trying to understand the motivation behind it, the purpose of behaving that way.
To pay your mortgage and bills? Something to prove or simply a desire to feel power over someone?
A little bit of everything maybe.
Or simply just acting without a thought, like a machine.
Like a log drifting with the current of the river,
crushing everything in it’s way.

A piece of wood that used to be a living tree but today it is only a thing.
But people are not things, they desire, dream, love, breathe and live.
Caress their children, love, laugh, cry and feel the pain!
How does it feel to forget all of this and simply just exist.

Petr S./Ruzyně custody jail/23rd May

Song Of The Day: V.A.P. – Zpráva komu?// V.A.P. – A message to whom?

VAPMinulý týden jsme uváděli rap, dnes nemůžeme jinak, než představit punkovou kapelu Voice of Anarchopacifism, kapelu ve které Petr zpíval.
“Zpráva komu?” několikrát zazněla na sobotní demonstraci u vazebních věznic. Ve videu je text, díky kterému jsme od V.A.P. vybrali právě tuto skladbu.

Last week we presented rap, today we feel it is the right time to present a punk band called Voice of Anarchopacifism, the band in which Petr was a vocalist. “A message to whom” is a song you could hear last Saturday by the custody jail. The lyrics speak about hope of better a world. Hope that the authorities and the police will understand the uselessness of their power over the others and in the end join our growing movement leading towards a society based on equality and respect.


Report from a soli demo in Prague

On Saturday (6.6.2015) a demonstration was held in front of the Pankrac jail, where one of our comrades, Martin, is being held in custody.

Approximately 50 people attended, the event was under heavy police surveillance. The demo walked around the complex, holding banners, chanting solidarity slogans and a speech was read.

Then the demonstration moved in front of the Ruzyne prison, where Petr is being held in custody. Again, the demo walked around the complex, in hopes that Petr would see us.

We were behind the building, when two prisoners started waving their orange t-shirts from their windows, as well as telling us that Petr is being held on the other side.

Later on, prisoners on the other side told us that his windows lead to the inside block of the building, so he could not see us or shout back, but we are positive that the news of our demo will get to him. We played a few songs by VAP, a band that Petr was a part of. We also read a poem that Petr sent in by mail.

We are with you! Stay strong!

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A picture of the prisoners waving, taken from a media website.2015_06_06_Pankrac_03

Švédsko: Solidární den “Högdalen Folkets Hus”

Přišel nám mailem obrázek od Stockholmské skupiny, která nedávno obsadila budovu na příměstí. Tato akce proběhla na protest proti gentrifikaci a privatizaci jejich sousedství. (

V tomto novém sociálním centru byl organizovaný info stanek o Operaci Fenix s kasičkou, materiálem na psaní dopisů zadrženým a koláčem.

Zůstaňte silní, nejste sami!
