V neděli 4. září policie zadržela Lukáše Borla. Lukáš je anarchista, který asi rok žil v udergroundu, poté co byl dlouhodobě sledován. Hned v pondělí pak soud rozhodl o jeho vazbě. Podle ČTK se k případu státní zástupkyně Naďa Voláková vyjádřila slovy: “Potvrzuji zadržení muže, obviněného pro zločiny založení, podpory a propagace hnutí směřujícího k potlačení práv a svobod člověka, vydírání a přečinu poškození cizí věci,..”

My zatím nevíme z čeho přesně je Lukáš obviněn a o případu vás budeme informovat. Lukáše můžete podpořit dopisem, nebo spontánní hlukovou akcí přes zeď. Lukáš je držený ve vazební věznici v Litoměřicích.

Zde je jeho adresa:
Lukáš Borl 1.3.1982
Vazební věznice Litoměřice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litoměřice

On Sunday, September 4th, police captured our comrade Lukáš Borl. Lukáš is an anarchist who has lived in underground for about a year, due to previous intense surveillance. On Monday September 5th the court sent him to custody jail. State attorney, Naďa Voláková, commented on the case for the Czech News Agency: “I confirm the capture of a man who is accused of foundation, supporting and promoting a movement aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms, black mail and misdemeanor of criminal damage…”

We do not yet know what exactly Lukáš is accused of. We will continue to provide updates. So far you can support him by sending a letter or by a spontaneous noise demonstration. Lukáš is held in a custody jail in the city of Litoměřice. Here is the address:

Lukáš Borl 1.3.1982
Vazební věznice Litoměřice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litoměřice

In solidarity with comrade Martin

Following texts are two parts of a letter written in prison by Martin I. Martin wants to share these words with everyone. Sharing is very welcome!

illustration photo

illustration photo

“Operation Fenix” is based on provocation initiated by undercover police agents. The purpose was to drag us into it, and put the blame us for organizing it. I suspect that the police and investigators are manipulating the evidence. They think we will plead guilty but our confession would represent just mere lie and we can not allow this to happen!

It is interesting how one can become a victim of repressions through arranged undercover operations. The police orchestrated everything to blame us with a very clear intentions to involve many people. They wanted to have terrorism case so they created it. Their attempt to silence us will not be successful.

They want to silent us, but we won’t be. They want us to break down, but they won’t. They can imprison our bodies, but our dreams, thoughts and souls they won’t. This is all because of solidarity and support from our families and comrades.

Prison conditions will not force us to surrender. We are kept in isolation, walking handcuffed around the prison yard. Glass and bars dividing us when receiving visits, separated from our loved ones with no change to hug them. We won’t be silent and we do not allow oppression, fear and helplessness to be sown it in our dreams, thoughts and lives. We are ready to face the absurd accusations and perhaps soon the truth will be revealed and we will walk out free.

Second text:

I never thought of myself much but always about others more. In the sense, of how to help when others are in trouble . Make others laugh when they are sad or offer a hug when in distress. I have never mattered to my self as much, because I do not live just for ourselves but for others .

I recall the moments we spent together. Collective dinners and cooking and everything what connected us and that everything will continue, of course.

This case is not only absurd, but altogether with no sense. How unbelievable it feels that police is willing to go so far just to make society believe that anarchists are the evil ones. Police only wants to control people. To be able spy on anyone. Have cameras everywhere and to have all of us under surveillance to imprisons whom they want to and when ever they want.

They will not make us silent!
They will not break us!
The truth will set us free!
The struggle continues!
Comrades together we will overcome the bad times.
Greetings to you all and hope we will hug you soon.

In solidarity comrade Martin