/CZ EN RU/ 21. prosince: Den solidarity se soudružkou uvězněnou v Kolíně | December 21st: Day of solidarity with imprisoned comrade in Koln | 21 декабря: День солидарности с анархистской заключённой в Кёльне

21. prosince vyzýváme k vyjádření solidarity v její mnohonásobné podobě, podle vaší nekonečné představivosti. Znovu ukážeme, že naši uvěznění soudruzi a kamarádi nejsou sami, ale přítomni spolu s námi v ulicích.
Chtějí mezi námi postavit ještě vyšší zdi, nejen z betonu a oceli, ale také z osamění a izolace. A my chceme tyto zdi strhnout láskou, náklonností, vztekem a solidaritou s naší soudružkou Lisou. Fotky a audiovizuály můžete posílat na solidaritatrebel@riseup.net Continue reading

Repressions in so-called Czech republic. Timeline A2 poster


Police repressions and surveilance targeting against anti-authoritarian and subversive movements had always been present. In past years we experienced them of an unprecedented scale of Czech context and history, including entrapment, terrorist charges, large media demonization, attempts of dividing the movement, spreading paranoia, imprisonment and long exhausting court hearings. „Operation Fénix“, as police name for the entrapment operation that had taken place, is relavant to other similar crackdowns in European and north American context. Especially because of divide-and-rule tactic that status quo has in the very heart of its meanings and goals. We hope to have this to understand our experience better to know what to expect in the place where you live and organize.

Všechnu moc imaginaci?/All power to the imagination (CZ/EN)

Když roku 1968 ve Francii proběhly rozsáhlé stávky a dělnicko-studentské nepokoje, jedním ze sloganů těchto událostí bylo “Všechnu moc imaginaci”. Česká policie a soudy si nyní zřejmě heslo vykládají po svém. Svou moc prosazují rozvíjením vlastní fantazie.

Když policie chtěla na mě vydat zatykač, zdůvodňovala to spekulativními tvrzeními a kupou nesmyslů. Očividně jim to k vydání zatykače postačilo. Je až děsivé, jak může být jejich fantazírování mocné.


When whidespread strikes and workers’ and students’ riots took place in France at 1968, one of the slogans back then was “All power to the imagination”. Czech police and courts now have their own interpetation. They assert their authority through fostering their own imagination.

When police wanted the arrest warrant on me, their claimed reasons for that were speculative statements and bunch of random bullshit. Obviously, it was enough for getting the warrant. It is even scary, how powerful their imagination can be.

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Antifenix pamphlet. The Fenix verdict: Defendants acquitted (PDF)

3 years of lack of evidence – 3 years that fucked up our lives (DOWNLOAD .PDF FILE HERE)

The Fenix case uproar, consists of a lot of accusations of many crimes, ranging from the one of so-called “promotion of terrorism” to the one of preparation of terrorist attacks. These are the ones that were most discussed at the latest Municipal Court Hearing in Prague. During their verdict, the judge acquitted all the five defendants of the Fenix 1 case. Is it a victory? Why this decision isn’t final? Followed article is a translation of a month old overview over the court hearings and some analyses of our situation and experience, originally written in Czech language. Continue reading

New accusations: Fenix 2 is spinning up

It was quite clear, that releasing Lukáš Borl from the prison doesn’t mean the end of another continuing of Fenix operation. More precisely Fenix 2 (The case of Lukas Borl). One of the charges brought against Lukáš is establishing, supporting and spreading a movement leading to suppressing human rights and freedoms. But the police will have kind of a hard time to prove existence of a group, where ther is only one person. Even for terrorism are needed at least three people, every newbie at the police academy knows that. And members of police units are not counted as part of the group! And so genius idea was born and it was clear that at least the second episode of Fenix needs a better reputation. After “unbiased“ judge in Fenix 1 ( the entrapment case where five anarchist facing charges for a “terrorist attack” against the train with military equipment in a state of preparation), who worked 13 years for ÚOOZ (the same unit who infiltrated and later arrested the group), would love to shoot refugees, hates Roma people and very probably women too, and after embarrassing apology from the Ministry of injustice to Igor after Igor was found “innocent” by the supreme court two weeks ago (doesn’t mean much, he still faces the deportation procedure), would policemen look like total losers if they kept claiming that Borl supports movement consisting of himself.

So the police shifted up a gear and came up with a plan. Into Fenix 2 were added four more people. On June 9th the police launched a prosecution against 3 aanarchists and one environmental firebrand, all charged with 16 felonies in total. Those 68 pages of accusation almost sound like a stupid joke if we consider that charges are based on who may wrote what on the internet some years ago, what kind of literature was kept at home or what does he thinks. But unfortunately we know that this is only another repression from the police and those five fellow troublemakers persecuted in Fenix 2 (Lukáš plus four  new ones) face bullying, have to search for lawyers and can end up in jail and that’s where the “fun” stops.

We are actually not kidding at all. After sentence in Aachen, few days ago, against anarchist who was sentenced to 7,5 years, are these accusations showing again and again that any kind of apology from the ministry of justice (as they just sent to Igor) is only a strategic move to legitimize another repression, control and bully. But no state will ever get our legitimacy.

In solidarity with the accused in Felix 1 and Fenix 2, Igor, Warsaw Three,
anarchist sentenced in Aachen and all the other rebels behind the bars. With desire for freedom in our hearts.



Lukáš Borl, který byl držený ve vazební věznici v Litoměřicích od září minulého roku, byl dnes propuštěn. Na soud tedy bude čekat mimo zdi věznice. Je to poprvé za poslední dva roky, kdy v tzv. ČR žádný anarchista není ve vězení.

Lukáš Borl, an anarchist imprisoned in remand since September 2016 was released on bail today. That means that he will wait for the court outside of the prison walls. It is the first time since the beginning of the operation Fenix when no anarchist is in so called Czech republic held in prison.

Wheat-pasting in Minsk

Minsk, Belorusko: informační solidární akce pro anarchisty a anarchistky v tzv. České republice7. listopadu minští anarchisté a anarchistky polepili ty skvělý plakáty vedle českého velvyslanectví v historické částí Minsku – Vrchní město.

Naší zbraní je solidarita!

převzato z webu: http://revbel.org/2016/11/minsk-aktsiya-solidarnosti-s-anarhistami-chehii/

Minsk, Belarus: informative solidartiy action for anarchists in so-called Czech republic

On 7th od October Minsk anarchists spreаd some nice info posters about the Fenix operation around the czech embassy in historical part of Minsk city.

Solidarity is our weapon!

from web page: http://revbel.org/2016/11/minsk-aktsiya-solidarnosti-s-anarhistami-chehii/

Минск: акция солидарности с анархистами Чехии

7 ноября в Минске анархистами в знак солидарности с чешскими товарищами были распространены плакаты возле чешского посольства, а также в исторической части Минска – Верхнем Городе, в районе которого и находится посольство.

Солидарность – наше оружие!

взято с сайта: http://revbel.org/2016/11/minsk-aktsiya-solidarnosti-s-anarhistami-chehii/

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Defense of the anarchist perspective


We decided to publish an English translation of an article written by Lukas in October 2015. Lukas described why went underground and his opinion about solidarity and legal vs illegal actions. For sure Lukas would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so feel free to send him a letter with your opinion. Just try to choose simple terms, because he just started to learn English. Continue reading