Aleš Kočí byl 6. srpna v odpoledních hodinách propuštěn z vazby! Gratulujeme, vítej doma! Víme, že propuštěním na “svobodu” celá kauza nekončí a Aleš má stále naší plnou podporu! I tobě Aleši přejeme vše nejlepší k tvým brzkým narozeninám.

Aleš Kočí was released from remand on August 6th afternoon. Congratulation, welcome home! We know that by releasing from remand the case isn’t over and Aleš has our full support! And BTW happy B-day too.


Martin I., který stále čeká ve vazební věznici Pankrác na soud, má v pondělí 10. srpna narozeniny. Přijď v 19h k pankrácké věznici Martinovi nadálku popřát! Stačí přinést píšťalku, kastrol a vařečku, nebo jakékoliv nářadí, které udělá takový hluk, který Martin uslyší. Pokud nemůžeš dorazit, napiš pošli Martinovi dopis nebo pohled. Určitě ho to potěší.

Další možností jak podpořit nejen Martina, ale také Petra a Igora a to nejen v době jejich narozenin je finanční pomoc. Pošli na účet částku, kterou a emailem nám dej vědět kolik peněz a pro koho bylo posíláš a my peníze přepošleme. Bankovní spojení je:
CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237
Swift code:

Za ANTIFénix přejeme všechno nejlepší k narozeninám a doufáme, že příští narozeniny oslavíš mezi svými přáteli a blízkými mimo zdi věznice.

Martin I. Who is awaiting trial in Pankrac custody jail is having B-day on Monday, August 10th. Come on monday at 7pm to Pankrac prison to join a greeting session by the prison! Bring a whistle, a pot with big spoon or any tools which make some sound so Martin will hear us. If you can’t come send at leas a postcard (Martin can not speak english very well, so be aware of that). For sure he will be gratefull.

Also there is one more way how you can support not only Martin, but also Igor and Petr and not only when they have a B-Day and that is to donate some money. You can put money on our bank account and send us an email with the information for who and how much money you sent and we will forward it it to the correct place. Bank details:
CZ98 0100 0000 0087 6019 0237
Swift code:

For ANTIFenix crew we wish Martin happy B-day and we wish them that their next B-day they will celebrate with their friends and relatives and comrades out of prison cells.

Report from a solidarity demonstration (28th July)


We recieved this report by email. Thank you for your support.

Today I attended a demonstration at Pankrac Prison, Prague, Czech Republic against Operation Fenix and in Solidarity with Martin, Petr, Ales and Igor (a vegan straight edge anarchist). About 50 other people were also there for the same cause.

One man during the demonstration was viciously arrested by riot police. He urinated on the gate of the prison during a short march along two side walls of the prison. Continue reading

A Letter From IGOR – Reckless endangerment and other police blunder.

Samuel Reshevsky, age 8, defeating several chess masters at once in France, 1920At first thank you all for your support. I have to say that thanks to you, it’s not so bad here!

Like many other people I was brought in for questioning by well known police officer Kavka. On June 18th, I went out to get some lunch. Besides campus I was stopped by Mr. Kavka where he informed me about questioning and asked me not to run. Through psychological coercion and lies he managed to get into my dorm room where he confiscated my personal computer, camera, tablet and than I was escorted to Letná police station where I was interrogated, threatened, lied to, intimidated for following six hours. After this my fingerprints and traces of odour were taken and I was finally released about half past eight in the evening.

I would be much better off now if I knew my legal rights better, and if I would not succumb to psychological pressure of investigators. I was brutally arrested by police at an anti-fascist blockade in Brno on June 26th and I spent the evening in three different cells and than during the night the Police escorted me to Prague. Continue reading

Solidarity Banner & Event Vienna Aug 19

* March 17th, 1903
† January 12th, 1945

Karl Jungbluth, german communist and antifascist resistance fighter during World War Two.

Jungbluth is a three piece hc/punk band from Münster, Germany.

“Don’t respect something that has no respect – Fuck nazi sympathy!”

Maneki Nekoč (melodramatic riot grrrl, graz)

Franz Strøsuk ​ (hc/punk, graz)


Solidarity Action for the imprisoned Anarchists of Operation Fénix in Czech Republic …

nejsi sám!  proti státu!

Solidarity with the imprisoned Anarchists in CZ!

Solidarity Banner EKH Vien!


Freedom for the Prisoners!

Greetings of Solidarity from Vienna!

Prodloužení vazby pro Petra a Martina // An extension of custody jail for Petr and Martin

Soud rozhodl o prodloužení vazby pro Petra S. a Martina I. na minimálně další tři měsíce. A to i přes to, že zatím nebyly zveřejněny žádné přímé důkazy a infiltrovaní agenti (známí jako Petr a Robert) ještě nebyli předvoláni k výslechu jako svědci.

The court decided to keep Petr S. and Martin I. in custody jail for at least three more months. Despite the fact that police didn’t publish any direct evidence and the infiltrated agents-provocateurs (known as Pertr and Robert) haven’t been interogated as main witnesses yet.


BENEFIČNÍ TRIKAPředstavujeme vám nová benefiční trika. Trika jsou v limitované edici a poprvé budou k dostání na středečním benefitu na Klinice. Veškerý výdělek bude použitý na uhrazení právní pomoci stíhaným lidem při operaci Fénix a na nákup veganského jídla vězněným veganům, kterým věznice veganské jídlo odpírá.  

We would like to announce new benefit T-shirts which will be released as a limited edition and available for the first time at the benefit event in Klinika on wednesday. All of the money made from sales will go to legal support for the accused anarchists during operation Fenix and to get vegan food for imprisoned vegans who are being held in custody without access to vegan food.