At the end of October we published information about a prisoner Petr Mikolas, who was starting a protest hunger strike in solidarity with the striking prisoners in the US. Petr spent some time in the same cell with our imprisoned comrade Lukas Borl and they got along well together. Despite having little time or information, we decided to support Petr in his fight because we saw them as a struggling prisoner against one of the most clear institutions of oppression and we had a letter of support from Lukas. However, new information has come to light and we have decided to not support Petr Mikolas as an individual anymore. This statement aims to explain our decision. Continue reading
Category Archives: English
Solidarity gesture for the 6 recently imprisoned comrades in Italy, and Lukáš Borl in Czech Republic (Greece, Athens)
As a gesture of solidarity with the recently imprisoned comrades in Italy and in Czech Republic, we hung a banner in Athens, writing:
Armed attack until the total destruction of authority and enforcement
for all the imprisoned anarchist brothers, for all our stolen moments
Unıon of anarchıst ındıvıduals Uroborus
Abychom vyjádřili solidaritu s nedávno uvězněnými anarchisty v Itálii a v České republice, vyvěsili jsme v Aténách tento transparent s nápisem:
Ozbrojený útok až do naprostého zničení autority a moci.
Pro všechny uvězněné anarchistické bratry, za všechny ukradené okamžiky. Solidaritu a jednotu s nedávno uvězněnými soudruhy v Italii a v České republice.
Svaz anarchistických individuí Uroborus.
Antifenix on radio Študent
An anarchist show Črna Luknja on Slovinian radio Študent has been running for almost two decades. We are honored that some of us were invited to their studio for an interview. If you want to listen live, tune Črna Luknja at 12 o’clock here. The archive will be later stored on the web site of Črna Luknja.
Support the striking prisoners in the USA
For over a month some people from Czech ABC/Antifenix have been on presentation tour. Big part of it was done in collaboration with another tour speaking about the direct connection between slavery and imprisonment in the USA and about history and presence of the prison uprisings. Thousands of prisoners have been striking since September 9th. The struggling prisoners called for international solidarity action week from October 15th till 21st. Our touring crew made a solidarity banner and took some pictures during the tour.
Down with prisons!
Už přes měsíc je část lidí z kolektivu Antifenix na turné, kde přednáší o zkušenostech z policejních represí v ČR. Velká část turné byla v kolaboraci s kolektivem, přednášejícím o přímém propojení otroctví s vězeňstvím v USA, a o historii a přítomnosti vězeňských povstání. Tisíce vězňů tam stávkují už od 9. září. Stávkující svolali akční týden mezinárodní solidarity od 9. do 15. října. Naše parta na cestách udělala banner a pár fotek.
Pryč s vězeníma!
Lukáš Borl: Statement about his arrest
This is a translation of an open letter sent by Lukas from his prison cell. He tells more about his case and what the accusations against him are about and explains his point of view over the circumstances of his arrest, emotional state of one living in underground. Continue reading
Benefit event in Edinburgh

Second part of the evening will belong to music where for you entertainment will be playing: Continue reading
Solidarity banner in Kopi, Berlin
Agent Petr: Martin Ignačák byl pryč v noci, kdy někdo podpálil auta v Řízkárně (
Přebráno z V pondělí pokračovalo odročené hlavní líčení s pěticí anarchistů obviněných ve věci teroristického útoku na vlak. Soud vyslechl agenta, který nebyl do akce nasazen, a částečně i druhého, který nasazen byl.
Ceasing to be Slaves: US Prison Strike in its Third Week
A brief update on the historic nation-wide prison strike, launched by US inmates on September 9th. Since then, protests, hunger strikes and work stoppages have taken place in at least 31 facilities in at least 11 states… and they show no signs of stopping.