Group of anarchists in Petersburg (Russia) started the solidarity campaign on 17.06.

First  we went to Balkanskaya square, there is a statue of the good soldier Svejk, character by Czech anarchist writer Gasek. We were sure that Svejk would support Martin. We were right. The posters he is holding say FREE MARTIN INGACHAK and ANARCHISTS ARE COOL GUYS. Then we went to Czech consulate and placed a poster on the opposite building . The consulate is in a quiet area with few people, so we decided to spread and stick the leaflets  around the nearest metro station. The people were interested. Of cause we did it without any permission from authorities.


Martin Ignačák é um prisioneiro anarquista checo acusado de terrorismo. A família dele e o seu advogado trouxeram-lhe a decisão do Tribunal Superior de Praga que decidiu prolongar a prisão preventiva. Por esta razão em 9 de junho de 2016 Martin entrou em greve de fome de protesto, parou de se nutrir e de tomar líquidos. Esse tipo de greve de fome ameaça a vida da pessoa depois de uma semana. Aqui é o seu lançamento de greve: Continue reading

Another response on the call for International Solidarity


By the infoshop “Bokcafét” in Stockholm, in so called Sweden there was an echo of what is going on in Czech Republic…  We saw Lukas Borl, who is currently hiding in the “poetry” section of the book shop. Still riding on the strong stallion of solidarity… We offered him a vegan burger, which I am sure he appreciated. By the way, if you see him, make sure you help him in any way you can. He has been strongly discredited by our enemies in blue, capitalists and/or nazis. The rumors about him are false and we should offer our respect, friendship and solidarity.


Well well, after the little lunch with Lukas, we head off to the Czech embassy for a little protest. We were thinking that some banners and a little group of people wouldn’t be so provocative, not even shouting, but we where wrong.


Already after about 60 seconds, the officials getting payed for hanging out in the fancy building came out to complain on the mess we were causing. The Czech embassy in Stockholm is situated on a very low-traffic, almost hidden street. Though there were almost no spectators around, the employees seemed very troubled to have a demo outside of their embassy. After a few minutes of arguing, the embassy people started to rip the banners off the fence and almost from our hands. Well, then this amazing person showed up and told them off, that “we do have a right to demonstrate here!”. No one could fight against her and her home-made banner! So the officials let us alone for a while.


By the way, we would also like to send out greetings to Igor. We made a little art installation on the grass in front of the building. This wasn’t welcomed at all. The employees looked out of the window and went outside with angry steps and took it off right away. Will they use it for evidence against us for “trying to attack the building”? We don’t know…

The picture of a person standing on the flags is a hint to one of the things brought up in the court against Igor. He had taken a funny picture of when he is stepping on the American flag, which was actually a doormat anyway! Do we deserve getting deported for this now?

flaska_1 flaska2step


Lastly, we want to send our greetings to Martin Ignačák, who has been in custody jail for almost 14 months by now. He is on a hunger strike. Even if he cant hear our shouts to him from here, we hope we can send some energy and strength.



Support action in London

This morning (Monday 13th June 2016) a small group of people met outside the Czech Embassy in West London to show support with anarchist prisoner Martin Ignačák, held on remand for 13 months, and on hunger strike since 9th June 2016. Banners were put up and fliers handed out to people visiting/working at the embassy as well as any passers by. The text of the flier is here.


As “Czech” Anarchist Black Cross and the AntiFenix Collective, we call for international solidarity actions against the repression of anarchists in the so-called Czech Republic.  This repressive wave is labeled Operation Fenix – 8 people are accused or charged, some with possible life sentences, and with many more harassed by police, interrogated, raided, devices confiscated.

Our call for international solidarity is to support all of charged and affected, but also in particular to support Martin, an anarchist who was entrapped and accused of preparation of a terrorist attack, all planned by two state infiltrators.  He has been locked away already almost 14 months in terrible conditions, and in response, he has just gone on hunger strike.  Especially in places where you have Czech embassies or consulates, you can show that borders can’t stop anarchist solidarity.

Although Martin’s English isn’t very good, he will be very happy to receive any mail, here is his address:

Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57

Vzkaz z Moskvy

Slunečného rána pátku moskevské anarchisty_ky protestovali_y u budovy velvyslanectví České republiky, aby vyjadříli_y svou plnou solidaritu s lidmi, kteří se stali_y obětmi policejního teroru, který pokračuje od konce dubna 2015.
Český stát tomu říká «protiextremistická operace Fénix», však my víme, co to je za kravinu 😉

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První soudní líčení od začátku Fénixe bude s Igorem 26. a 27. dubna. Igor je obviněný z pravděpodobně vymyšleného útoku na dům ministra obrany. Tzv. útok, při kterém se nikomu ani samotnému domu vůbec nic nestalo a samotný Igor v době incidentu, jak ho původně popisoval ministrův syn, nemohl fyzicky být (více na straně 5 v brožuře Fénix nevstal z popela). Igor už si odseděl tři měsíce ve vazbě a od září je venku na kauci. Jako součást kauce je zákaz opouštění ČR, nebo návštěva probačního úřadu jednou týdně. Igor může dostat až 15 let odnětí svobody. Vem přátele a přijď popořit kamaráda, soudruha, anarchistu k soudu! Naší zbraní je solidarita!

The very first court hearing since the Fenix started will take a place in Prague city court on April 26-27th. The court is about the case of Igor Shevcov. An anarchist accused of fabricated attack on the house of minister of defense. During this so called attack nothing was damaged and no one got hurt. In the time of incident – which the ministers son mentioned in his first testimony – Igor could not be physically near by the house. More info about the case is in the pamphlet “Fenix did not rise from the ashes” page 5. Igor already had spent 3 months in remand and since September 2015 he has been out on probation. Part of the “deal” is that Igor could have not  leave the Czech Republic at all and once a week he must go to visit the probation office. He can be sentenced uo to 15 years. Take friends and come to support a comrade, anarchist and great friend Igor to the court room! The solidarity is our strongest weapon!

Solidarity events in Australia

DSC_0238Hallo comrades!
Some weeks ago we organized 2 info events about Operation Fenix- in an anarchist bookshop Jura in Sydney and in a squatted social center Hotshots in Melbourne. We spoke as well about the situation of Klinika and about the problem of infiltration of radical groups in general. Comrades in Jura spontaneously made a picture which we want to share with the Antifenix blog visitors, we as well sent it via post to Martin, together with many other messages of love, rage and solidarity.
Your struggles are inspiring even here on the other side of the world! Down with capitalism, state, patriarchy and all this shit which restricts our freedom!