Solidarity gesture for the 6 recently imprisoned comrades in Italy, and Lukáš Borl in Czech Republic (Greece, Athens)

As a gesture of solidarity with the recently imprisoned comrades in Italy and in Czech Republic, we hung a banner in Athens, writing:
Armed attack until the total destruction of authority and enforcement
for all the imprisoned anarchist brothers, for all our stolen moments
Unıon of anarchıst ındıvıduals Uroborus

Abychom vyjádřili solidaritu s nedávno uvězněnými anarchisty v Itálii a v České republice, vyvěsili jsme v Aténách tento transparent s nápisem:
Ozbrojený útok až do naprostého zničení autority a moci.

Pro všechny uvězněné anarchistické bratry, za všechny ukradené okamžiky. Solidaritu a jednotu s nedávno uvězněnými soudruhy v Italii a v České republice.
Svaz anarchistických individuí Uroborus.

[Greece] ABC Solidarity Cell: Strength to the anarchist hunger striker Martin Ignačák

Another solidarity action, this time from Athens and Lesvos. Thank you for anarchist greetings and international solidarity! Nice report and amazing pictures from

Action at the embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens; the banner reads: “Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Martin Ignačák – ABC Solidarity Cell”

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens spray-painted: “Freedom to Martin Ignačák – Anarchist Black Cross”

Czech embassy’s entrance spray-painted; flyers thrown in support of incarcerated anarchist Martin Ignačák

In April 2015, the Czech State launched a repressive campaign under the name “Operation Fénix” targeting the anarchist movement that’s active on its territory. Continue reading