Finally the Phoenix is dead

After more than two years, the verdict for the four anarchists and one environmentalist is acquittal, only one of them was recognized guilty for small offenses, and the court dropped from his punishment.

The main charges concerned the support and promotion of the Network of Revolutionary cells (SRB), insurrectional anarchism, as well as blackmail and harm of others property. SRB focused several years on sabotage of the property of police and capitalists. So far, no one was convicted and condemned for these actions.

The defendant Lukáš Borl admittedly confessed to spray the walls of prison lettering “desire for freedom the repression will not stop” and “death to the state”. He also admitted that he was identifying by amended identity documents. The damage he caused to the prison, he paid. The Court in these two points acknowledged Borl guilty, but dropped from punishment. According to the Head of Senate, Dagmar Šebková the delicts were not serious and also happened long time ago.

The prosecutor Václav Richter designed to all without distinction of imprisonment in the duration of three years, whose performance would be conditionally postponed to the probationary period of three years. However, the court liberated the defendants. The judgment is not competent, the prosecutor appealed.

V pátek 25. září 2020 od 8:30 proběhne u Okresního soudu v Mostě další  jednání v kauze Fénix 2. Dosud byli k výslechu zváni svědci na popud státního zástupce Václava Richtera, který vypracoval obžalobu. Přesněji řečeno svědci, kteří nedosvědčili nic, co by potvrzovalo vznesená obvinění. Tentokrát budou konečně přítomni svědci, které navrhovali sami obžalovaní v rámci své obhajoby.

Připomeňme, že čtyři anarchisté a jeden environmentalista, jsou obviněni z činů s trestní sazbou 3 až 10 let ve vězení. Podpořte obviněné přímo u soudu nebo jinou solidární akcí.

On Friday, September 25, 2020, from 8:30 a.m., another hearing will take place at the District Court in Most in the Fénix 2 case. So far, witnesses have been invited for questioning at the instigation of public prosecutor Václav Richter, who drafted the indictment. More precisely, witnesses who did not testify to anything to confirm the allegations. This time, witnesses nominated by the defendants themselves in their defense will finally be present.

Recall that four anarchists and one environmentalist are charged with offenses punishable by 3 to 10 years in prison. Support the accused directly in court or by another solidarity action.