A letter from Kurdistan Anarchist Forum to support Martin

Zde zveřejňujeme dopis, který nám přeposlala Severočeská anarchistická federace (SAF) od Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF). // Folowing post is a letter sent from Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF) to North Bohemian Anarchist Federation (SAF).

Dear Comrade.Severočeská anarchistická federace – SAF,

We are very sad to hear one of our comrade has been imprisoned and forced to be in hunger strike as it is the only weapon can defend himself with. We are aware that this action may put his life in risk but we are hopping the authority can meet his demands.
At this very difficult time we, KAF, raise our voice against the brutality of the State/Authority in imprisoning comrade Martin and offering our entire support and solidarity with you and the rest of the comrades. We denounce the State action in restricting the freedom of expression and its dealing our comrades in a brutal and inhuman way. In the meantime we hold the state a responsible of Comrade Martin’s life and demand his immediate release and the other prisoners as well.

We are asking our Kurdish Comrades wherever they are to support and show solidarity with Comrade Martin, by writing protest letters or sending e-mails to the Ambassadors of Czech Republic in those countries our Comrades are residents to show their anger about the lack of the freedom of expression and demand Comrade Martin’s release.

Please feel free in publishing our support & solidarity message and also to forward it to anywhere that necessary can be shown as a protest letter.

Down with all the states, down with all prisons, down with the capitalism system.
Freedom for Comrade Martin
Towards Anarchist society

in Solidarity,
Kurdistan Anarchist Forum (KAF)