We have decided to share a few articles from some of the official Czech media outlets to paint a broader picture of the situation here. This one is from lidovky.cz, published on May 1st 2015, at 6 o’clock in the morning:
Police operation against extremists: the anarchists prepared a terroris tattack against a train

Police in Brno
PRAGUE. According to the police leftist extremists prepared a big terrorist attack on a train. The publication is not entirely clear about the kind of train: a train with military equipment or with Hyundai cars. It seems the group wanted to use molotov cocktails. This information is found in a document to which the server Lidovky.cz had exclusive access.
According to the police the radical anarchists of the group “Site revolucnich bunek” [Network of revolutionary cells], against which the police went into action last Tuesday, prepared a big terrorist attack. “Not later than September 2014 they started the preparations for a direct attack on an until now not clearly defined cargo train carrying either military equipment or Hyundai passenger cars”, reads the police report.
According to the investigators the action of the radicals was planned for October or November 2014 on the section Radotin-Beroun of the main railway line connecting Prague and Pilsen.
The main organiser is said to be Peter S., whose identity is known to the server Lidovky.cz. Under the umbrella of the “Site revolucnich bunek” Peter S. formed a group of at least six people. They aimed, according to the police, at “disturbing the political, economic and social foundations of the Czech Republic”.
According to the police document the leftist radicals had prepared the attack pretty much in detail. “Two members of the group were to provide inflammable materials, of which a not yet known member or not yet known members were to test the effectiveness so as to obtain the most effective”, read the documents.
Some members of the group were to bring the bottles with inflammable materials to the place where the attack was to be made and hide them there. “Two further members were to wait for the train at 2 to 4 kilometres before the place where the attack was to be made and warn the two members who were to perform the attack by walkie-talkies, also when they see that they may seriously interrupt rail traffic”, the report continues.
A complex structure
According tot the investigators the Site revolucnich bunek [Network of revolutionary cells] consists basically of related groups that are formed to perform certain tasks or to achieve some purpose.
“Affinity groups are formed not only to organise demonstrations and public actions in general but also for so-called direct actions such as illegal poster pasting, graffiti spraying and more serious actions against property or persons”, the police write.
The investigators also admit that it is difficult to identify the members of those groups. “The Site revolucnich bunek consists rather of virtual organisations aiming at inspiring and pushing active militant groups and individuals towards militant actions such as explicitly exemplified in the attacks described”, the report reads.
The related groups communicate through “coded messages” and discuss details of actions under preparation on the internet. Central are, according to the police, two groups, one in Prague and one in central and southern Moravia. “Structurally”, the document reads, “the Site revolucnich bunek looks like a network of personally connected groups (cells) and individuals”.
The countrywide action against the leftist extremists started on Tuesday early in the morning. In one search in Brno the investigators found a ready explosive device. The police is said to have arrested around ten people. According to Stepanka Zenklova of the Local State Prosecutor in Prague 6 people will be charged. The court put three of them under arrest.
Charges may be submitted for the formation and propagation of movements aiming at violations of human rights and freedoms, damage and possible damage to public utilities, violence against public organs and damage to property of other people. But the police doesn’t make any statement in eh matter and gives no details. “In the present stadium of the investigations we will abstain from all juridical qualifications and not supply any details”, said Zenklova.
*Other actions of the anarchists according to the police *
19. 1. 2014 – molotov cocktail attack on a police car parked in front of the police office in Litvinove-Hamr.
13. 2. 2014 – molotov cocktail attack in front of a police building in Prague.
8. 5. 2014 – arson attack on two protective housings of a toll gate near the locality Hulin.
24. 5. 2014 – arson in front of the doors of the DD Technik company in Prague.
30. 8. 2014 – attack on a police car in Usti nad Labem (city of Usti on the river Elbe).
Jakub Zelenka
Source : http://www.lidovky.cz/zasah-na-extremisty-radikalove-pripravovali-teroristicky-utok-na-vlak-1nb-/zpravy-domov.aspx?c=A150430_162545_ln_domov_jzl